Friday, November 29, 2019

cather in the rye and rebel without a cause Essays - Public Finance

Who I Would Like To See As President As a teenager in my generation, it is in my opinion that things must change with the economy. The nation is in need of a president who has a balanced budget plan every year, is able to spend money wisely and doesn?t spend as much. A president who can cut taxes is very important also, cutting taxes will help small businesses build on to their businesses and most importantly hire more workers and build other new businesses. Many people are without jobs, leaving families struggling to pay bills, give their children new clothing and other things, and there are many families facing foreclosure on their homes. My father was laid-off about two years ago, and ever since our lives have not been the same. I would give anything to give his job back but first the economy must change, and so must the present administration. The economy has not gotten any better for a while now which worries me. The nation?s people and our present administration has dug a huge ditch that is going to take a very long time to get out of. A president who is serious about changing our ways of spending, has a legit plan to gain money and create businesses is most important. The longer we take to make a change, the harder it is going to be for present and future generations to pay off the debt we have gotten ourselves into. Looking at how much people have been affected by this economy, you could only imagine what it would be like for my children, and grandchildren and even me. President Bush instituted tax cuts for all income earners during his administration. President Obama originally wanted all the tax cuts to expire beginning in 2011. He has since amended that to say that taxes must rise for those making over $250,000 a year. But many of those are small business owners and it will impact them, too. I read that during President Reagan?s administration, from 1980 to 1988, everyone?s taxes were dramatically cut but revenues to the federal government doubled. I found out that because taxes were cut, people had more money to spend, which generated more taxes on items and services sold and that money went to state and federal governments. I think that is the way to build an economy instead of spending billions upon billions as the present administration has done and putting future generations in debt. My father is now back at work but not in his original career field. He has helped me understand that the only dollar bill that doesn?t help everyone is if it is buried under a mattress. If it is spent, or saved in a financial institution, it is in circulation and that helps everybody. Banks are then happy to lend and build the economy. Right now, many business people are concerned about what restrictions will be placed on their businesses and themselves if taxes rise to pay-off the debt we have gotten ourselves into. We need a president who wants to cut taxes and build private businesses so jobs are created. Government jobs are necessary, no one is arguing against that, but this country was built on capitalism, on private enterprise.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Teen Drug Use

Why Do Youth Use Drugs ? Abstract: People who use drugs usually say they feel great at first and that drugs are the best thing that ever happened to them  ¡X but that doesn't last long. Over time, they'll need more and more to get the same high  ¡X and this really increases the risk of addiction, and in some cases, overdose. And even if they never O.D., drugs can ruin their health, force them to drop out of school, lose friends, and impair their judgment enough that they'll do some really stupid stuff. Drug users do things they wouldn't do while sober ¡Xthey engage in unsafe sex or put other people's lives at risk on the road. Sure, this might all seem fun for them while they're doing it but are they going to be laughing through an unwanted pregnancy, a car accident, or during the wait for results from an AIDS test? Need more proof? Drug abusers can develop psychological problems such as suicidal depression or serious physical problems such as liver damage and brain damage. Of course, there's also the risk of death from an overdose. ( With all this in mind, and all the education programs such as dare, and all the research and information available, everyday a new kid begins using drugs for the first time. These children came from all backgrounds, all economical statuses, all races, many armed with all the knowledge possible, and still they decide for one reason or another to start taking drugs. Why do youths engage in an activity that is sure to bring them overwhelming problems ? It is hard to imagine that even the youngest drug users are unaware of the problems associated with substance abuse. Although it is easy to understand dealers ¡Ã‚ ¦ desires for quick profits, how can we explain users ¡Ã‚ ¦ disregard for long- and short-term consequences ? One theory as to why youths use drugs is social disorganization. Social disorganization is neighborhoods or areas marked by culture conflict, la... Free Essays on Teen Drug Use Free Essays on Teen Drug Use Why Do Youth Use Drugs ? Abstract: People who use drugs usually say they feel great at first and that drugs are the best thing that ever happened to them  ¡X but that doesn't last long. Over time, they'll need more and more to get the same high  ¡X and this really increases the risk of addiction, and in some cases, overdose. And even if they never O.D., drugs can ruin their health, force them to drop out of school, lose friends, and impair their judgment enough that they'll do some really stupid stuff. Drug users do things they wouldn't do while sober ¡Xthey engage in unsafe sex or put other people's lives at risk on the road. Sure, this might all seem fun for them while they're doing it but are they going to be laughing through an unwanted pregnancy, a car accident, or during the wait for results from an AIDS test? Need more proof? Drug abusers can develop psychological problems such as suicidal depression or serious physical problems such as liver damage and brain damage. Of course, there's also the risk of death from an overdose. ( With all this in mind, and all the education programs such as dare, and all the research and information available, everyday a new kid begins using drugs for the first time. These children came from all backgrounds, all economical statuses, all races, many armed with all the knowledge possible, and still they decide for one reason or another to start taking drugs. Why do youths engage in an activity that is sure to bring them overwhelming problems ? It is hard to imagine that even the youngest drug users are unaware of the problems associated with substance abuse. Although it is easy to understand dealers ¡Ã‚ ¦ desires for quick profits, how can we explain users ¡Ã‚ ¦ disregard for long- and short-term consequences ? One theory as to why youths use drugs is social disorganization. Social disorganization is neighborhoods or areas marked by culture conflict, la...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reading Response 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Response 1 - Essay Example not only aimed at spreading the gospel, but had the interest of taking the land of the local people with the pretense they were teaching the people how to use land and the new gospel. The result was grievous execution and torture of the locals who refused to embrace the new teachings and were unwelcoming to strangers. Instead of preaching a gospel of peace, Christians perpetrated mass execution of the locals torturing them by burning them alive and dismembering their bodies, among other atrocities. Children and women bore the wrath of the Christians whose gospel was opposite of their actions. In the name of the gospel, a large population of the Indies people was eliminated, the rest were taken as slaves to work for the benefit of the same Christians, who continued to gather wealth while the locals struggled to suffer in poverty. The locals were denied food despite working in extreme conditions to enrich the missionaries in their own land and using their own blood and resources (Casas 34). The main aim behind the colonialists’ atrocities in the Indies was to weaken the resistance of the locals. There was a thin line between spreading the gospel in Christianity in such Asian regions and exploring the land for resources to enrich the colonialists’ mother countries. Most of the early missionaries turned to be political elements who explored new lands and resources for their mother countries, and the Indies was not an exceptional. The locals were harsh and unwelcome to the colonialists, as a response, the colonialists had to use cruel methods to deter any resistance from the locals and to weaken the resistance of the people towards receiving new instructions. Women and children were easier to deal with, which explains the mass execution of males; moreover, as political figures, the missionaries had to use cheap labor to attain maximum benefits from exploiting resources in the Indies, which degenerated into slave trade. One of the greatest impacts of colonialism

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Kola King Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Kola King Advertising - Essay Example This will help us get in touch with a wide variety of consumers, specifically the kids and young adults. Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors, spend time with the family, and enjoy cool, refreshing drinks. So why not enjoy the summer with us? With a dedicated team of trained professionals, the campaign will kick off on the first of June. All team members will be wearing T-shirts and caps featuring the unique King Kola logo and design. There will be numerous stalls and tables strategically designated around the metro area handing out King Kola brochures and pamphlets detailing product info and company history. There will be skilled team members at each place ready to answer consumer questions and concerns. One main location will be picked to hold regular weekend BBQ’s where people and families from all over will be able to enjoy the summer fun and get a taste of our new product, King Kola. Staff will be available handing out free samples of the product along with short surveys to gather consumer opinions and feedback. A local celebrity or spokesperson will be sponsored for the campaign and be fully trained about the product and its uniqueness. The celebrity will be present at the summer BBQ’s and share in with the consumers’ experience.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Outline - Essay Example A romance begins with flirtation, and is initiated by verbal contact. When the attracted individuals have initiated contact and decide to pursue the romance they get into a deeper relationship characterized by support and commitment, more personal communication, more expressions of affection like giving of tokens, enhancement of personal appearance, social involvement with the partner’s family and friends, sexual intimacy, and behavioral adaptation. The researcher is aware that such concepts are not easily measurable; hence, the information/data for this research would come from research literature and experiences shared by couples in romantic relationships. A set of questions related to the research questions posted shall be drawn up to be asked of the couples via questionnaires or interviews. A qualitative comparative analysis shall be done using the data gathered. III. Constructs: The following constructs are the base understanding of the researcher. It is one goal of this paper to gain more clarification of these constructs as culled from research and information from the interviews and questionnaires. Dating- the coming together of two people to spend time with one another for the purpose of getting to know each other and to gauge if a relationship might possibly develop from the time spent one-on-one with each other. Dating is part of romance. Romantic Relationship – A relationship involving two people attracted to each other and bonded by love, intimacy and commitment. Each partner does things for the other to make him or her more attracted and amorous to each other and to deepen the relationship further. Intimacy -This study will adopt Moss and Schwebel’s (1993) definition of intimacy: â€Å"Intimacy in enduring romantic relationships is determined by the level of commitment and positive affective, cognitive and physical closeness one

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Development of Child Minding Business: Activity Planning

Development of Child Minding Business: Activity Planning Unit Two Part One – Documentation for a child minding business Clear documentation is essential, as it is an area that receives inspection from Ofsted. Ofsted is the independent regulatory body for schools (including child care providers delivering the early years foundation stage curriculum) that reports directly to the government. The documentation you need for a child minding business are as follows: Criminal records bureau check (CRB)- this will check a person for any criminal records or convictions that may be held against their name. CRB is the first piece of documentation that should be filed in the documentation toolkit. A CRB check is necessary for any adult that will be caring for children within the childcare setting. Child record form- this provides a snapshot of crucial information relating to the child being cared for and will be the first form accessed in the case of an emergency. This form should include, child’s name, D.O.B, address, parent/carers address and contact details, child’s doctors names and contact details, 2 emergency contacts, medical history, immunisations, allergies, dietary requirements, medical conditions, religion (if appropriate) and any other relevant information. Child information record book- this is an essential piece of documentary evidence required by Ofsted, it documents daily the various activities a child has carried out, food they have eaten, number of nappies changes (if applicable) and any other relevant information relating to the child that occurs during the day. The book is usually taken home daily or weekly by the parent so they can see what activities their child has been engaging in during the day and what learning has taken place. The record book can also act as a means of communication for non-urgent items between the parent and child care provider. Childcare agreement forms- this provides the contract between the parent and the childcare provider. The child care agreement sets out essential information such as the child’s contact details, parent/guardian information, start date, hours and days the child will be attending, details of collection from the setting and fee information (including any retainer fees that may be payable). Accident record and incident forms- the accident form gives a detailed account off the accident that has occurred, where it happened, names of any adults who witnessed the accident, type of first aid that was given at the time (if applicable), this should also include the date, name and signature of the person who completed the form. It should also contain a section for the child’s parent to sign to confirm that they have read the report and are aware of the accident. The incident form is very similar to the accident form, it is used to give details of anything that may result in the child becoming upset and distressed ex, a child may be playing with a family cat and be scratched. The incident form is to be completed and signed the same as the accident form and read and signed by the parent. Existing injuries form- an existing injuries form is used to document any injuries, (bruise or cut) which a child may arrive with. Both the childcare provider and the parent should sign the form. These could be completed in the setting before the session starts or issued to parents in advanced. Fire and safety form- this is used to give details if the correct evacuation process from the setting in case of a fire breaking out. All children being cared for should be regularly exposed to a practice fire drill the dates of the drill and children involved should be documented, dated and signed in the fire safety form. Vehicle records and parent permission to travel in a vehicle- this form should contain information regarding registered and insured vehicles that are to be used for the purpose of childcare. These vehicles should have appropriate insurance cover and documentation about who is insured and registered to dive the children around. As well as the vehicle record, it is necessary to obtain a signed form from a parent giving permission for their child to be transported in their childcare provision registered vehicles. This could be for regular trips t a playgroup, the park or an organised outing. Prescription and non-prescription medical record card- this can either be incorporated into the child’s record or detailed separately. It should contain information on prescription and non-prescription medicines the child may need administered by the childcare provider. It should detail the name of the drug, dose and frequency it should be administered. The childcare provision should obtain written permission from the parent for each drug to be given to their child. Each time it is administered it should be recorded in the form. This procedure should also be carried out for non-prescription medication that a child requires, as agreed with the parent. The parent should also detail under what circumstances the medication should be given. Outings and consent forms- there are 2 different typed of consent forms that may be required for documenting small trips and pre-planned larger scale trips. A form including clauses that detail the types of outings a child can go on can be used; this form could include permission statements for trips on public transport, foot, carer’s cars or any other car (e.g. carers friends car). This form should be signed by the parent and kept in the child’s file. In addition to this form a separate form may be required for larger outings, or for those that may require financial contribution from the parent. Financial forms- record of payment, invoice, receipt- as well as the collection of forms already discussed, there are three necessary financial forms for recording financial details relating to the home child care business. Record of payment of fees- used to record fee payments by the parent. The childcare provider signs to say that the payments by the parent have been received. There may be occasions when a receipt is used for other purposes, educational products purchased from the childcare provider. Record of complaint- any complaints may be required to be shared with parents, Ofsted and possibly other agencies. Therefore, it is extremely important that the complaints form is completed accurately, and as soon after the complaint is made so the information is accurate. The next section should contain details of the complaint in full. The following sections should go on to detail how the complaint was dealt with, along with any action that was taken. The child provider should ten sign and date the form. Depending on the nature of complaint, it might be necessary to refer it to Ofsted, particularly if an allegation f serious harm or abuse is made. Part Two – Activities that stimulate children developmentally Play is an essential part of a child development, and there are many activities that can be done to enhance the development of a child, intellectually, socially and physically. Depending on the space available, there are various different options for incorporating physical development activities into a child’s day; for example, skipping is a good physical development activity as it encourages co-ordination and strength. Physical development activities also help to promote a healthy living and exercise. Physical development also helps to develop a child’s gross-motor skills; gross-motor skills refer to the big physical movements made by a child or baby, such as crawling, rolling and walking. Additional activities that enhance physical development of gross-motor skills are throwing or catching a ball; this develops hand eye co-ordination, riding a bike; this helps to develop balance skills, and hopscotch; this helps to develop jumping and counting skills. Fine-motor skills involve dexterity and fine control of muscle movements such as, writing, drawing, using a knife and fork and doing up clothing. Fine-motor skills require a child to use precise and well-controlled movements; there are many activities that can be used to develop these skills such as a dressing up box. There is a wide range of multi-sensory toys to develop a baby’s fine-motor skills from around 9months. Toys that can be squeezed to make a noise, or finger foods are ideal for a baby’s hand eye co-ordination. At about 12months, a baby will love to drop objects such as toys. An excellent toy to have is a shape sorter; babies love the bright colours and will love the sound of the shapes dropping into the sorter. Fine-motor skills are used as the baby picked up each shape, determines where it goes and turning it until it drops into the sorter. For toddlers up to about 24months, the range of fine-motor skill activities changes. A brilliant addition to the home or setting is a dressing up box. Toddlers enjoy dressing and undressing; and a dressing up box helps to encourage fine-motor skills with the various fastenings that the toddler may encounter on the clothing such as zips and buttons, it also encourages creativity. Painting, drawing and colouring are also excellent ways to develop toddler’s fine-motor skills. Multi-sensory baby books are a great aid for developing a baby intellectually. There are lots of picture books in the market that have mirrors, crinkly fabric etc. that babies love to touch when being read stories. Music, singing and colourful, noisy toys all provide brilliant stimulation for a baby’s intellectual development. For toddlers there is a wide range of activities that can be used to stimulate intellectual development. Card games such as pairs are very popular, as are board games such as connect four and dominoes. These are excellent for developing numeracy skills. Toddlers have very inquisitive minds and there are intellectual learning opportunities around every corner during the day-to-day activities that can be promoted by questioning, such as â€Å"what do you think we do next†. Role-play is an excellent way to develop social skills in a safe environment, children can explore different roles in different settings; for example, a post office could be set up where children have to interact with each other as customer and staff. Again here, this task is very closely matched to the study guide. Please amend this task and ensure that you are writing in your own words. Task three- Draft food health and safety policy All employees, paid or voluntary, who handle food, have a responsibility to: Maintain a high standard of personal hygiene Refrain from handling food when they or anyone at home are suffering from an infectious disease such as; diarrhoea, throat infection or rashes Adhere to the settings health and safety policy Report any shortcomings to the appropriate person, e.g. Faulty or damaged storage, preparation and service equipment Principles of handling food: All foods must be checked to ensure they are of the quality, substance and temperature required and that they are within there use-by dates All foods must be stored under conditions that will prevent their deterioration, instructions on the label, if present, must be followed Keep it clean-keep it cool- keep it covered: Food and food only, must be stored in areas designated specifically for that purpose (refrigerators, cupboards etc.) Saucepan handles should not overhang the stove or worktop edges Any food or liquid spillage must be cleaned up immediately When cooking food, recipes or packet instructions must be followed Food not eaten at the meal it was prepared/given must not be kept or offered at a later time Signs of any type of pest infection must be reported immediately Principle of safely using equipment in food areas: All electrical equipment must be switched off and the plug removed from the power source when it is being cleaned or not in use Refrigerators, freezers and other types of temperature control equipment must be routinely checked to ensure there effectiveness All equipment must be according to manufacturer’s instructions Doors and lids of equipment in use should fit securely Hob burners, grills, ovens etc. must always be turned off when not in use All cooking equipment should be checked when in use to ensure that it is functioning correctly. Any slight electrical shock received from the equipment must be reported immediately All equipment and working surfaces must be kept in a clean and hygienic condition Cleaning chemicals should be used at the prescribed dilution rate Task four- Travel plan Amount of children attending: 3 Destination: 100acre woods Date of trip: 3rd September 2014 Time of departure: 09.15am Time of return: 12.15pm Permission slips received: 3 Travelling via car Ensure full tank of petrol Ensure car is correctly insured Ensure child locks are enabled Ensure breakdown cover Ensure permission slips and informed of any child likely to attempt to take off their seatbelt Ensure all children have suitable clothing e.g. rain coat Ensure there is a first aid kit in car and any medication that may be needed Joshua’s inhaler Ensure there are snacks and plenty to drink Ensure risk assessment has been carried out before organising the trip -low risk

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

edmundlear Edmunds Soliliquy in Act 5 Scene 1 of Shakespeares King L

Analysis of Edmund's Soliliquy in Act 5 Scene 1 in King Lear The portion of `The Tragedy of King Lear' I chose begins on line 55 of act five scene one and continues to line 64. I chose this selection because it includes much information about plot and character. Prior to my selection Regan questions Edmund closely about his relationship with her sister, Goneril, because Regan suspects they have been intimate. Edmund denies these accusations at the beginning of act five scene one, but states his true intentions in his soliloquy starting on line 55. Shortly afterwards at the beginning of act five scene three Cordelia and King Lear are captured and held prisoner. In the selection I chose, Edmund expresses his true feelings about the love triangle he and the sisters Goneril and Reagan are in. "... Neither can be enjoyed, If both remain alive: to take the widow Exasperates, makes mad her sister Goneril; And hardly shall I carry out my side," (V, i, ll 58-61) Edmund conveys how though both sisters are vying for his love and eventually his hand in marriage, he does not love either, and is only playing them for his own benefit; he just wants to increase his power. "Stands on me to defend, not to debate." (V, i, ll 69) The selection I chose develops character in the play. Edmund's soliloquy shows how foolish the sisters really are, competing for the love of someone who is repulsed by the thought of them. Also it is ironic their rivalry that helped them get their land from Lear by outdoing each other with flattery for him is that what kills them, while their sister who didn't compete with false flattery against the two and got no ... ... Exasperates, makes mad her sister Goneril; And hardly shall I carry out my side, Her husband being alive." (V, i, ll 58-62) This also reveals that Edmund is incapable of loving anyone because he is so overwhelmed with attaining power. Goneril and Regan's characters are also developed in this selection. Both of the sisters are blinded by their `love' for Edmund to the point where they put all other things aside to get his love, and ironically the one they both love so much kills them, as Goneril poisoned Regan because she feared Regan would steal Edmund from her. After finding out that Edmund is defeated, she takes her own life as well. Without this soliloquy, a great void would be left in the play. Goneril, Regan and Edmunds characters would not be fully developed, the plot would not be as complex or entertaining.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Philip Larkin Ambulances Discussion Essay

Throughout his works Philip Larkin shows the ‘emptiness that lies under all we do.’ The way we travel through life riding a wave of superficialities, too caught up in the moment to see what is really going on. Larkin aims to alleviate the blindness created by our deep involvement, attempting to draw the reader out to see the big picture. In Ambulances he acknowledges death as a device powerful enough to allow people to see beyond themselves and the things surrounding them. The thought of their impending demise, â€Å"so permanent blank and true† allows them to ‘get it whole’ and see the truth, the sheer vastness of death pales to insignificance the things that worry about in everyday life. But this realization is a curse, as once you see it whole, see life for what it is, it ‘dulls to distance all we are.’ Things that used to matter loose their importance. It is this that Larkin struggles with throughout his works. It can be seen within Larkin as he strives to fill the gap left by his separation from life and society. Ambulances is really a chronicle of a realization, not a work that stands up by itself but rather supporting evidence created to reside with the messages generated in his other works. Though it does evoke a reaction within the reader, as they begin to realize the truth they whisper â€Å"poor soul †¦ at their own distress.† It is this use of inarguable truths that makes Larkin’s work so powerful. He creates a situation where the reader is forced towards a realization by making them see something within themselves. He does not propose a fully formed interpretation, as that would be just as ‘reprehensibly perfect’ as the closed interpretation presented by the society that he hates. Instead he alludes to an understanding without stating explicitly what it is. This means that the interpretation is dependent on the reader and it is because of this that Larkin’s works relate to so many people. He bases his works on the things that make us essentially human. The ambulance itself is no more than an object, representative of death, this interpretation could be seen to show Larkin’s pessimistic outlook on life as an ambulance could also be said to represent hope, life, rather than death. However, his reasoning is undeniable, there is a grim fascination with ambulances that can only be described through a fear of death. The  knowingness that someone, at the moment of seeing an ambulance pass, is facing their own mortality. Larkin takes this and applies it to all people, ‘all streets in time are visited,’ by doing this he makes the reader see their own mortality, the fragility of their life and in doing so allows them to see the farcical nature of the life they have been living.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Phonics Intervention for Reading Instruction and Special Education in the United States The WritePass Journal

Phonics Intervention for Reading Instruction and Special Education in the United States Introduction: Phonics Intervention for Reading Instruction and Special Education in the United States Introduction:OverviewReading Instruction and Special EducationStruggling Students and ReadingResponse to Intervention (RTI) and its Implications for ReadingNational PolicyOverview of LegislationStruggling Students and ReadingSystemic Support for At-Risk ReadersResponse to Intervention ModelsInstructional Support for At-Risk StudentsEffective Schools ResearchResponse to Intervention and its Implications for ReadingPhonics Based Reading InterventionConclusionReferencesRelated Introduction: Research on reading and reading growth over the last decades has produced a strong consensus around the essential elements of beginning reading instruction for all students, whether the focus is prevention or remediation. Findings from evidence-based research show dramatic reductions in the incidence of reading failure when explicit instruction is provided in phonemic awareness, decoding skills, spelling, and writing by classroom teachers (Foorman, Francis, Fletcher, Schatschneider, Hehta, 1998). These instructional elements are necessary but not sufficient to support the small, but significant, number of students who encounter difficulty in learning to read (Foorman Torgeson, 2001). Ensuring that all students become competent readers by third grade is one of the most important tasks of primary-grade educators and is a national priority as evidenced by the No Child Left Behind Act (2001). Although the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress has suggested increases in the overall reading achievement of U.S. fourth-grade students, the proportion of students reading below basic levels ( 40%) has not changed appreciably from 1993 to 2005 (Otaiba et al., 2005). In the last two decades, evidence has accumulated pointing to deficits in phonological processing as a core cause of poor reading (Foorman, 1996). A growing body of evidence suggests that deficits in this area can be addressed through appropriate training, particularly for students through grade two (Torgeson, 1997). State-level curriculum guides increasingly contain these essential elements of early literacy instruction and require the use of research-based methods and materials in reading instruction. Classroom teachers have access to the growing body of reading research and yet the number of students at-risk of failure on state and national assessments often suggests that the students most at-risk of failure are often not accelerating to a large enough degree to catch up with their peers and maintain grade-level performance. Classroom core reading programs generally include intervention materials designed specifically for low readers. One problem with these intervention materials is the pacing of instruction. Classroom teachers often find the pacing too brisk for struggling readers to master. This often results in teachers searching to find other instructional methods and materials that may be used to accelerate at-risk students reading achievement. Overview Reading Instruction and Special Education The national reading gap in which 40% of our students are not reading at grade level has spurred politicians to initiate reading policy founded on research and accountability (Otaiba et al., 2005). The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 allots federal money to be used to promote literacy in early grades under the premise that schools will use research based interventions and will be accountable to external evaluation (Lyon et al., 2005). Concurrently, special education law is also evolving to improve reading and academics for all students. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act 2004 described by Burns and VanDerHeyden (2006), shifts eligibility in the category of specific learning disability (SLD) away from a discrepancy model where a significant difference between academics and achievement is required for eligibility. The discrepancy model requires students to fail academically before being identified as eligible for special education services. IDEIA allows local education agencies to redirect eligibility determination of SLD from the ability/achievement discrepancy to a form of assessment that identifies a students ability to respond to intervention, which improves instruction for all at-risk students (Batsche, Kavale, Koveleski, 2006). Special education is then a last resort for students who do not respond to intensive interventions. This shift in the eligibility process involves increased accountability in general education, requiring teachers to generate data regarding students progress in academic areas to guide instruction and identify students who may need further support (National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (NCJLD), 2005). Struggling Students and Reading The majority of children referred for special education are identified as needing support in the area of reading (Lyon et al., 2005). However, students other than those receiving special education services, require additional reading support, further reinforcing the need for early intervention in kindergarten through second grade when reading skills are emerging (Foorman Nixon, 2006). Torgesen (1998) indicates that children who do not acquire early reading skills often do not catch up to their peers who are reading at grade level. Negative attitudes towards reading, missed opportunities to develop vocabulary and comprehension, and less practice are characteristics that contribute to the gap between good readers and poor readers. As the gap widens, children who are not reading at grade level require intensive instruction to catch up to their reading peers who are accelerating and increasing their vocabulary at a much higher rate. As response to intervention encourages educators to intervene for all struggling children as early as possible, it is relevant to examine reading research regarding all diverse learners. Torgesen (2007) indicates there is no correlation between phonological language ability and general verbal ability. For example, children who are dyslexic or have a specific learning disability in reading fall in the same phonological ability range as children with low intelligence. Additionally, slow learners, children with learning disabilities in reading, and children whose home backgrounds do not provide them with beginning reading foundations will require more intensive reading instruction. Response to Intervention (RTI) and its Implications for Reading The predominant model being adopted to address the national reading gap under IDEIA and NCLB is RTI. There are varying approaches to RTI. In this paper examination of RTI is described as follows: (a) students are provided with effective instruction by their general education classroom teacher; (b) progress is monitored; (c) those who do not respond to the classroom intervention get something else or something more, from their teacher or someone else; (d) again, students progress is monitored; and (e) those who still do not respond either qualify for special education or may be referred for a special education evaluation (Fuchs, Mock, Young, 2003). RTI is examined in this paper because the legislature backing the RTI philosophy is impacting change within our school system. RTI is requiring teachers to look at data and implement interventions which may be problematic if appropriate training and support is not provided. Mastropieri and Scruggs (2005) posit several relevant concerns regarding implementation, integrity, and the ambiguity of the evolving roles and responsibilities of teachers and diagnosticians. The National Reading Panel (NRP, 2000) issued a report identifying research regarding key areas of reading instruction, including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension. The National Reading Panel report indicates that students can be successful if they are provided with systematic and direct instruction in key areas of reading instruction. Torgesen (2007) and the National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities, also known as NJCLD (2005) identified key elements present in effective reading instruction, and recommended that all students should participate in 90 minute reading blocks. Students requiring more intensive instruction should be targeted for interventions and their progress should be monitored regularly. Interventions must be driven by data and should include the following: (a) reading instruction should be provided in small groups that are differentiated by needs and abilities; (b) adjustments should be made appropriately regarding intensity of instruction and group placement, and should be based on progress monitoring data; (c) small group instruction should include increased practice opportunities and direct (explicit), systematic instruction including error corrections and immediate positive feedback (NJCLD; Torgesen). National Policy Recent legislation, including No Child Left Behind (NCLB) of 2001 and the Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA), is placing pressure on schools to implement research based reading interventions in an attempt to remediate the nationwide reading deficit (Foorman Nixon, 2006). As a result, major changes are taking place systemically to produce improvements on how the nation is teaching reading (Stollar, Poth, Curtis, Cohen, 2006; Wagner et al., 2006).   If change is to occur within the classroom regarding teacher performance, support is needed (Gersten, Morvant, Brengelman, 1995). Overview of Legislation Over the past thirty years, the educational community has embraced various theories of instruction associated with reading (Lyon et al., 2005). Philosophy has driven educational policy, rather than research. In the 1990s the National Assessment of Educational Progress scores indicated persistent reading problems in 4lh and 8th grades, as well as declining reading abilities of high school seniors. In 1996, Bill Clinton addressed the State of the Union with information regarding a national reading crisis. Forty percent of the nations fourth graders were not reading at grade level. As such, the America Reads initiative was established. Funding was set aside for volunteers to help children learn to read; however, the use of volunteers was minimally effective especially with disadvantaged youth (Lyon et al.). In 1998, the Reading Excellence Act (REA) was passed and was the first mandate specifically focused on reading and required programs to be used that were based on research. When examining the effectiveness of REA, the government found a significant gap in educators understanding of scientifically based reading programs as well as a limited capacity for professional development. As a result of REA, federal and state program monitoring and research increased; and accountability at the state level was implemented (Lyon et al., 2005). The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, an amendment of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (Foorman Nixon, 2006), and Reading First Legislations utilized research from the National Reading Panel (NRP) Report of 2000, which was a comprehensive summary of research regarding reading and reading instruction. The NCLB mandate allotted federal funds to be used for educational programs that have been deemed effective through research. Two grant programs were designed from NCLB including Reading First and Early Reading First. Accountability regarding these programs required that schools provided with funding must use research based interventions, provide detailed data regarding plans and progress, and must be evaluated by an external review board (Lyon et al., 2005). As policy continues to guide and support the need for improved reading instruction within general education classrooms, special education law is concurrently aligning itself with NCLB to promote literacy for all students (Foorman Nixon). The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) has been evolving over the past 30 years into what is now known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) of 2004 (Foorman Nixon, 2006; Fuchs, Fuchs, Compton, 2004). One of the components of the reauthorization involves eligibility of students with specific learning disabilities (SLD). Local education agencies (LEA) are no longer required to determine eligibility through the discrepancy model, which is a significant difference between an individuals academic achievement and cognitive ability. LEAs can now use Response to Intervention (RTI), a model that promotes the use of data to identify early need for academic support with subsequent implementation of interventions. When students fail to respond to the interventions, they may be identified as SLD (Fuchs Fuchs, 2007). Struggling Students and Reading Current legislative policies regarding NCLB in conjunction with IDEIAs recent eligibility criteria for students with learning disabilities are driving systemic changes within education to impact reading improvement for all students (Foorman Nixon, 2006). Historically, students who were provided additional support received those services through special education. Students typically needing support in reading were identified as being learning disabled (LD). Forty years ago, students were rarely identified as having learning disabilities (Fuchs, Fuchs, Compton, 2004). In the 1970s Congress included this category into the EHA (PL 94-142) identifying a small population of children who demonstrated unexpected and specific learning failure (Fuchs, Mock, Young, 2003). Early researchers examined children with low reading scores and found some children had equally low IQ scores, whereas a small group of children had discrepantly higher IQ scores and often higher math scores. The latter group of students was identified as having a specific learning disability because their IQ or ability was discrepantly higher than their academic achievement (Fuchs et al., 2003). More recently, more than 50% of the children identified as having a disability are labeled as learning disabled, making up approximately 5% of the school population (Fuchs et al., 2004). The discrepancy model, which has been in place since the 1970s, has been successful in identifying students who have a significant gap, or discrepancy, between their ability and achievement. However, misuse of the discrepancy model and over identification of students under this label has initiated concerns regarding the discrepancy model (Fuchs et al., 2003). In addition, the use of this process in special education has excluded a large population of students, those with low IQs who may struggle but do not meet the discrepancy criteria, as well as students from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds who need additional support (Fuchs et al., 2003). Although the cause for reading failure may vary across students, early intervention is considered helpful for all struggling readers (Torgesen, 1998). Children with low general intelligences demonstrate the same phonological processing weaknesses as children with normal intelligences who have weaknesses in the phonological language domain (i.e., children who would be identified as learning disabled under the discrepancy model) (Torgesen). Students from low socio-economic families are also considered to be more at-risk as they practice reading less often than strong readers and are often deficit in phonological and oral language skills (Otaiba et al., 2005; Torgesen). Under NCLB, all children including those in special education are expected to make adequate yearly progress (AYP). Despite the allowance of 3% of students in special education (those with severe cognitive delays) to be exempt from standards based testing, research indicates that the primary reason schools do not make AYP is due to the performance of students in special education. Accountability for all students to achieve is necessary regardless of academic placement (Foorman Nixon, 2006). With the alignment of NCLB and IDEIA, all individuals with reading problems will be targeted early and provided with research based interventions regardless of why the problems are occurring. Systemic Support for At-Risk Readers Historically, teachers have implemented a variety of instructional approaches to meet the needs of at-risk students. One approach for supporting at-risk readers is to implement various classroom organizational patterns, in hope that varying student-grouping patterns will improve achievement. An example of this, the Joplin Plan (Powell, 1964), originally used in Joplin, Missouri, grouped students homogeneously across grades and classrooms depending upon each students reading level. The Joplin plan was initiated with an assessment of student achievement in reading. Next, students were organized into relatively homogenous groups independent of their grade-level classification. Then, students were sent to reading classes during the day where instruction was adapted to their needs. When evaluated, the Joplin Plan was not found to be significantly more effective than the traditional self-contained classroom grouping approach (Powell). Interclass grouping of students is a key component of a more recent urban education reform plan to increase the achievement of inner-city students from socioeconomically disadvantaged environments. In a matched experimental study using Success For All ® (SFA; Slavin, Madden, Karweit, Livermon, Dolan, 1990) program developers reported that students in an SFA pilot school performed substantially better than comparison school students in reading, and that special education referrals and retentions were substantially reduced. Since that time, a larger set of independent studies involving 260 SFA schools at major demonstration sites have consistently concluded that there is no significant advantage for using the SFA program. In several studies, individual student or cumulative school reading scores declined in SFA schools and there was no evidence that the SFA program did as well as traditional approaches (Pogrow, 2002). The Federal Title I compensatory education program for at-risk students represents a national effort to raise student reading achievement. Funds for compensatory education services in reading were first allocated by the federal government in 1966 through Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Title I funds are allocated for the express purpose of improving educational outcomes among poverty or low socioeconomic status (SES) populations. Borman and Augostino (1996) conducted a meta-analysis of studies over a 20-year period and reported the effects of Title I expenditures on student reading achievement. Results of this meta-analysis demonstrated that students served by Title I failed to achieve or maintain levels of success comparable to mainstream peers. Other studies partially explained the limited success of remedial programs. First, there is a lack of alignment among the theoretical, philosophical, and instructional bases of core classroom and remedial reading instructional programs (Allington, 1994). Wilson-Bridgman (1998) found a lack of alignment between classroom core reading instruction using a synthetic decoding base and the Reading Recovery ® program (Clay, 1985), which uses a psycholinguistic approach to reading instruction. When arguing for curricular alignment, Allington (1986) stressed the importance of alignment between curricula- what is to be taught, in what order, using which materials, and the method of instruction used to help the students learn the curriculum. He argued when two reading instructional programs are widely divergent, students can develop confused notions of the nature and purpose of reading. The outcome of unaligned instruction according to Allington (1986) shifts the burden from teachers to stude nts to do the challenging work of aligning instruction between programs. The resulting remedial instruction, lacking alignment with classroom core instruction, can often lead to lower amounts of total instruction for at-risk students. Another form of compensatory education is federally funded special education. Bean (1991) cited two concerns with the lack of alignment between special education reading instruction and classroom reading instruction. First, instructional time is lost when students transition between the classroom and pullout special education settings. Second, Bean expressed concerns over the negative consequences of categorizing students as learning disabled. Finally, Allington (1994) and Torgeson (2004) asserted that special education has failed in its promise to lift at-risk students out of school failure. Response to Intervention Models In response to mounting criticism of pullout special education programs, new procedures that emphasize prevention are being implemented to identify students who genuinely need special education. Fletcher and colleagues (1998) argued that the discrepancy model for identification of students for special education is a wait to fail approach that did not provide needed education services to students with disabilities until third or fourth grade when interventions have been shown to be less effective. To address this issue, Vaughn (2003) has developed a three-tier, response-to-intervention (RTI) model to systematically increase instructional time and intensity for at-risk students. In the RTI model, curriculum-based measurement (Deno, Fuchs, Marston, Shinn, 2001) is used to frequently monitor student progress so that the effect of instructional intervention can be determined in a more timely manner. In Tier I instruction, students receive reading instruction in their regular classrooms. In Tier II instruction, students who do not make adequate progress receive intensive reading interventions provided through supplemental instruction in small groups in their regular classroom from the classroom teacher or another instructor. If progress-monitoring data indicate that a student is not making adequate progress with the combination of regular classroom and supplemental instructional support (Tier I and Tier II instruction), then a more intensive intervention is provided that may include special education services (Tier III). Instructional Support for At-Risk Students The instruction that at-risk students actually receive is a result of classroom organization patterns and decisions about curriculum materials and methods. For example, classroom teachers may be using synthetic phonics instruction materials from a core-reading programs intervention component. Unfortunately, teachers often find that these intervention materials lack the repetition and intensiveness needed to meet the needs of many at-risk students in their classes. Struggling students frequently receive supplemental instruction provided by a reading specialist, special education teacher, or another instructor. This instruction is often based on supplemental commercial programs such as Reading Recovery ® (Clay, 1985), Reading Mastery ® (Adams Englemann, 1996), Early Interventions In Reading ® (Torgeson, 2000), and Early Steps ® (Morris, Tyner, Perney, 2001). These supplemental programs often have independent research to support their effectiveness. For example, a study conducted by Denton, Anthony, Parker, and Hasbrouck (2004) compared two supplemental programs, Read Well ® (Sprick, Howard, Fidanque, 1998) and Read Naturally ® (Ihnot, 1992). In this study, 51 students in grades 2-5 were tutored for 40 minutes, three times per week for ten weeks. When the two groups were compared, students receiving instruction in Read Well  ® made significantly greater progress in word identification (fluently reading sight words) than those receiving instruction in Read Naturally ®. Although many supplemental programs may claim effectiveness for at-risk students, schools must still decide which programs to use and how to use them. Students attending a Title I school may see several adults each day, all of whom provide instruction using a different instructional program. Each of these supplemental programs may present instruction from a different philosophical framework with different sequences, strategies, materials, and procedures. An example of how this happens was found in one Granite School District elementary school. A reading specialist and classroom teacher met to plan how they would collaborate using a push-in model. The classroom teacher taught the core reading program to the whole class and used a supplemental program for Tier II small-group instruction. The reading specialist would push into the classroom, double dosing the most at-risk students with an additional small-group reading lesson. The reading specialist was working with a different supplemental program in her additional small-group lesson. As they monitored their instruction, conflicts related to the presentation of skills using different sequences in the core program and two supplemental programs quickly became evident. Questions arose such as, Should the spelling patterns taught in the core reading program match what was to be taught in the supplemental programs? What about sight words? Home practice? It also became evident that students learned sight words from one word list in the classroom core program, but at-risk students were being expected to learn sight words from three different lists in three different programs. Effective Schools Research Students attending Title I schools often have lower academic performance, but this is not always the case. Hoffman (1991) summarized research into the practices found in effective schools conducted in the 1970s and early 1980s in the Handbook of Reading Research, Volume II. In this review, Hoffman described eight attributes of effective schools that produced strong reading achievement among at-risk students. These eight attributes were: (a) a clear school mission; (b) effective instructional leadership and practices; (c) high expectations; (d) a safe, orderly and positive environment; (e) ongoing curriculum improvement; (f) maximum use of instructional time; (g) frequent monitoring of student progress; and (h) positive home-school relationships. While there was a high level of interest in effective schools research in the 1970s and 1980s, schools that produced high numbers of at-risk students with high reading achievement continued to draw the interest of researchers as they sought to identify factors contributing to positive student learning outcomes. Another study of effective schools conducted by Taylor, Pearson, Clar, and Walpole (1999) confirmed that systematic assessment of student progress was significantly correlated with students growth in reading fluency and overall reading performance. They found that classroom-level data provided a form of internal accountability while giving teachers a useful indication of each students progress through the public sharing of data. School-level communication was positively related to reading fluency and comprehension. Teachers in the most effective schools cited collaboration within and across grades as a reason for their success, making use of a collaborative model for reading i nstruction. Typically, this meant that instructional support personnel- Title I, reading resource, or special education teachers- went into the classroom for an hour a day to help provide instruction for small, ability-based groups. The presence of a school-wide assessment system also permitted teachers to implement flexible small groups. The collaborative model also allowed schools to utilize teacher personnel in a manner that increased instructional time. Factors such as peer coaching, teaming within and across grades, working together to help all students, and program consistency were mentioned as aspects of collaboration which teachers valued in these most effective schools. Although curricular alignment was not specifically mentioned in this study, teachers were clearly collaborating closely and using student data to drive instruction in these schools that were beating the odds (Taylor et al.). School reform initiatives have confirmed the results found through effective schools research. For example, a case study by Strahan, Carlone, and Horn (2003) documented three major changes in school culture that contributed to improved student performance on state-mandated achievement tests. First, teachers and administrators developed a shared stance toward learning that linked values and beliefs into a shared sense of responsibility for each child. Second, strengthened instructional methods emphasize more active student engagement where teachers responded to individual student needs and made learning as active as possible. Third, teachers and administrators developed stronger procedures for promoting data-directed dialogue regarding student progress, measuring their own success based on student learning. Fourth, grade-level planning sessions and site-based staff development featured a process of data-directed dialogue that nurtured changes through the use of a collaborative model. As an administrator that led the Chicago public schools into improved reading instruction, Shanahan (2008) stated: Good teaching these days is not that individual. Every teacher matters, but no teacher alone really makes the difference-especially in something complex like learning to read. We need teachers who will do a great job and raise literacy achievement and who will then turn these kids over to another teacher, who will also raise literacy achievement. That is more likely to be accomplished when everyone is doing the right thing. The right thing in this case is complex, because there are many things that need to be learned about reading and these things need to be orchestrated into a powerful whole.. .because of this we need textbooks and systematicaly organized curriculum to better support teachers efforts. That makes sense to me. Teachers who work closely with their colleagues by adhering to the discipline of a shared systematic curriculum are not surrendering their professionalism. They are just better focusing their courage and intelligence on those spects of practice where those quali ties will help rather than hinder children. (p. 1) Once again, although alignment of instruction is not directly addressed in this quote, it is clear that as teachers collaborated around student data and develop an organized curriculum, the level of curricular alignment increased. In spite of different instructional organizational patterns, compensatory school-wide programs, remedial pullout programs, response to intervention (RTI) programs, various supplemental programs, and core intervention programs provided to at-risk readers, many classroom teachers still struggle to know how to best help their at-risk students succeed. Many teachers often resent the swinging-door phenomenon of pullout programs where instruction is interrupted by students coming and going out of classrooms, resulting in fragmentation of instruction for all students (Bean, 2004). Response to Intervention and its Implications for Reading Burns and VanDerHeyden (2006) describe the summit meeting associated with the use of RTI in special education. In 2001, the US Department of Educations Office of Special Education Programs hosted a Learning Disabilities (LD) Summit meeting where Frank Gresham, a leading researcher in the field of consultation, presented an argument against the discrepancy model, and indicated that validated interventions should be in place prior to determining whether a student has a learning disability. Intervention procedures under RTI are often viewed as a three tier approach where primary prevention occurs within the core curriculum. Students failing to respond to the core curriculum progress to a secondary program involving small group instruction that is scientifically supported. The tertiary level is initiated when students demonstrate poor progress towards step two and require an individualized program or special education (Fuchs Fuchs, 2006). RTI promotes early intervention and resolves some of the issues associated with the discrepancy model. Historically, the discrepancy model required students to fail academically before they could be identified for services. The discrepancy model also excluded a large number of students who had low IQ scores, came from low-socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as other poor readers who did not meet the discrepancy. Other concerns include the use of differing discrepancy formulae and assessment instruments across students (Fuchs et al., 2004; Fuchs et al., 2003). The assumption of RTI is that if implemented correctly, schools will be able to differentiate between students who have a disability and students who needed more or different instruction. As a result, fewer referrals for special education should be made, leading to successful identification of children who are truly disabled (Fuchs Young, 2006). In addition to US Department of Educations Office of Special Education, Burns and VanDerHeyden (2006) cite several agencies concurrently endorsing RTI, including the National Research Panels report on minority students in special education, the National Center for Learning Disabilities, the Division of Learning Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children, and the National Association of State Directors of Special Education. Despite continuing support from leading research organizations in education, there is some dispute regarding the sole use of RTI instead of the discrepancy model. In a competing views dialogue between Batsche and Kavale (Batsche et al., 2006), Kavale posits that RTI is a valuable prevention tool to be used to contribute to the identification process; however, it should not be used to diagnose. When asked about the research base of RTI, Basche states, the primary measure of implementation integrity is improved student outcomes, not whether every step in the process was completed the same way in every setting (Batsche et al., p. 10), as compared to the discrepancy model, which emphasizes identification. Kavale describes an adequate but incomplete research base, citing the Minneapolis model and Heartland model as lacking data regarding student progress. Kavale considers RTI as still in the experimental stage as many local education agencies (LEA) are not equipped with the required resou rces to implement RTI to its fullest potential (Batsche et al.). Fuchs and Deshler (2007) posit that while many practitioners and administrators are aware of RTI and successful implementation, many are not. To be successful, Fuchs and Deshler reference six elements needed for effective implementation to occur: (a) professional development programs to address skills needed for RTI as well as staff turnover; (b) administrator support, clearly stated expectations, and procedures to measure implementation integrity; (c) hiring teachers with prior knowledge and skills to implement RTI; (d) willingness of staff, including teachers and school psychologists to redefine roles; (e) provision of time for staff to ask questions and incorporate RTI into their instruction; and (f) whether the decision to implement RTI was made at the grassroots verses administrative level. Phonics Based Reading Intervention The National Center for Educational Statistics identified a nationwide reading gap (Otaiba et al., 2005). Most efforts to address reading problems target children in kindergarten through third grade. Less than one child out of eight who is not reading by the end of first grade will ever catch up to their reading peers (Bryant, Vaughn, Linan-Thompson, Ugel, Hamf, Hougen, 2000). Poor readers in first grade continue to move through school as poor readers, learning new words at a much slower rate than their reading peers resulting in an increased gap over time. The National Reading Panel (NRP) was initiated in 1997 as a means to examine the status of research-based knowledge specifically relating to various instructional approaches in the area of reading (National Reading Panel: Reports of the Subgroups, 2000). Meta-analyses were conducted by the NRP in several reading areas. Because the current study targeted implementation integrity of a phonics based reading intervention, the NRP results regarding phonics, teacher education, and reading instruction were examined. The definition of phonics is the conscious concentrated study of the relationship between sounds and symbols for the purpose of learning to read and spell (Savage, 2007, p. 7). Children identified as being poor readers at the end of their elementary school careers have been identified as typically having difficulties with comprehending the alphabetic principle when decoding unfamiliar words (Torgesen, 1998). Understanding the alphabetic principle, the sound/symbol relationship, is an important step in decoding and encoding words. With the ability to decode, children can bring their past knowledge and understanding of language to attain comprehension (Savage). It is the slower than normal ability to read sight words fluently and accurately that impacts comprehension in older students who are poor readers (Torgesen). Through RTI, it will be easier to differentiate these students from those who are behind in reading due to environmental factors. Results of the NRP meta-analysis regarding phonics instruction conclude the following (National Reading Panel; Reports of the Subgroups, 2000): 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Systematic phonics instruction contributes more to reading growth than programs that are unsystematic or provide no phonics instruction. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Non-phonics programs are significantly less effective than phonics programs; however, when comparing phonics programs, no comparative significant difference was evident. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Effective phonics instruction can occur when delivered through tutoring in small group and class-wide settings, although greater effect size is noted in small group settings. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Phonics instruction is most effective when introduced in kindergarten and first grade and when preceded by letter knowledge and phonemic awareness. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Phonics instruction is significantly more effective than non-phonics instruction for at-risk readers, but more research is needed on low-achieving readers. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Systematic phonics instruction enhances word reading skills, comprehension, and spelling in kindergarteners and first graders. The NRP concludes its phonics analysis by recommending that phonics should be supplemental and integrated with other reading instruction. Phonics is targeted for the current study because it is identified as a precursor skill for comprehension. Children falling behind their peers in kindergarten, first, and second grade will likely need further support and mastery in this area. Explicit phonics instruction has been identified as a key component in educating early readers. Several pertinent terms are often associated with effective phonics instruction: (a) systematic phonics instruction, wherein more common sounds are taught prior to more complex sounds; (b) alphabetic principle, phonemes or sounds associated with language are represented by graphemes, letters, or letter combinations; (c) letter-sound correspondences, making the association between visually seeing a letter or letter combination with the auditory sound it represents, (d) decoding, use of letter sound correspondences to translate a printed word into speech, (e) decodable texts, providing text which utilize letter-sound correspondences being taught (Armburster Osborn, 2001; Reading Leadership Academy, 2002; Savage, 2007). When receiving reading instruction, students should participate in 90 minute reading blocks and those identified as requiring more intensive instruction should be targeted for interventions and their progress should be monitored regularly (Otaiba et al., 2005). Interventions should be driven by progress monitoring data to ensure the student is receiving instruction in the needed areas, and should include the following: (a) reading interventions should be provided in small groups that are differentiated by needs and abilities; (b) adjustments should be made appropriately regarding intensity of instruction and group placement, and should be based on progress monitoring data; (c) small group instruction should include increased practice opportunities and direct (explicit), systematic instruction including error corrections and immediate positive feedback (NJCLD, 2005; Torgesen 2007). The development of curriculum-based measures (CBM) by the University of Minnesota Institute for Research on Learning Disabilities during the late 1970s arose as a means to provide educators with information regarding the effectiveness of academic interventions. Criteria for these measures are based on the measures ability to assess skills that will improve if the intervention is effective. Measures should be; (a) related to curriculum, (b) reliable and valid, (c) sensitive to improvement, and (d) inexpensive and easy to produce (Green Shinn, 1990). As the use of CBMs have been embraced by NCLB and Reading First (Reading Leadership Academy Guidebook, 2002), CBMs have also been adopted within the RTI model to assess student progress school-wide by targeting at-risk students, monitoring their progress over time, and using the data to determine which intervention to implement (Rouse Fantuzzo, 2006). Information from CBMs can also be used to assist in differentiating instruction by designing small group instruction based on individual student needs (Kosanovich, Ladinsky, Nelson, Torgesen, n.d.). Differentiated instruction includes key components such as: (a) flexibility based on data and observation, (b) small groups of three to five students with similar learning needs, (c) are organized based on number of times per week and number of minutes per group sessions, (d) and can be presented through guided reading or skills-focused lessons. Riley-Tillman and Burns (2009) describe interventions at Tier 2 level as focusing on a small group of students who are not making sufficient progress with the class standard curriculum. Instruction should follow developmental patterns, for example, if the bulk of the class has mastered phonics, yet the at-risk group of students has not, the teacher should focus on additional instruction in phonics with at-risk group. At this stage, teachers should be tailoring the instruction to the needs of the student. When considering Tier 2 assessment Riley-Tillman and Burns describe the use of curriculum based measures that are repeatable and assess sub-skill mastery. Once the measure has been selected and progress has been monitored than the data can be used to determine whether a student is responding or is not responding to the intervention. Because it is difficult to conduct experimental designs within a school setting, it is recommended to use non experimental design when assessing student outcomes and making RTI decisions. A-B designs are considered useful in monitoring a childs response to a small group intervention. If a child makes considerable progress than the data can be used to determine the duration of continued intervention or whether the childs skills are sufficient to return to Tier 1. If limited progress is made than consideration of a more intensive or different intervention should be made, or movement to Tier 3 should be considered. Conclusion Research is providing guidance for classroom teachers as to how to provide the best instruction to enable as many students as possible to succeed in reading (Connor et al., 2007). Research on the 3-Tier Model (Vaughn, 2003) and RTI (Torgesen et al., 1999) is providing additional guidance for classroom and intervention teachers serving at-risk students. Allington and Johnston (1986) argued that curricular congruence may be the key to the design of effective programs for alleviating school failure. Research on aligning supplemental reading instruction for at-risk students to classroom core reading instruction can create a bridge between regular education settings and supplemental intervention programs. As a result of the RTI legislation, the roles of general educators will be impacted; however, the degree of change in these roles continues to be ambiguous for many practitioners (Mastropieri Scruggs, 2005). There has been a historical dispute over what constitutes evidence regarding evidence based interventions. Little training is reported by pre-service teachers exiting training programs in the areas of reinforcement, graphing, and progress monitoring. There is a strong relationship between teacher variables and student outcomes reinforcing a need to emphasize professional development and support. In some schools currently implementing RTI, general educators are given the responsibility for progress monitoring and implementing interventions during the first two tiers; however, they may not possess the knowledge or skills to be facilitating this responsibility. Some educators argue that special education should step up and take on the responsibility and funding for RTI while others feel RTI is a general education initiative (Mastropieri Scruggs, 2005). Although the major tenets of effective reading instruction are being defined and explained by reading research organizations, there is dissent regarding its implementation on both classroom and school-wide levels. For example, teachers and administrators may lack training in identifying valid research findings associated with effective instruction (Lyon et al., 2005). Highly qualified teachers or professionals may not always be available to provide reading interventions. Torgesen (n.d.) suggests providing individuals who are not highly qualified with systematic intervention programs that are structured and scripted in the absence of such professionals. The NRP (2000) explored reading instruction research finding a predominate focus on students, materials, and tasks; rather than teacher performance. Professional development was identified as an area of concern during NRP regional meetings. As a result, current research regarding teacher performance was also examined. One concern with the teacher performance research is that it is primarily correlational. The research is also deficient in identifying the content of teacher education or professional development. The NRP points out that teacher education has been neglected in intervention research because it is assumed that student outcomes are attributed to the intervention which has been delivered by the teacher, rather than associating student outcomes to the integrity of adhering to the intervention. Half of the studies examined by the NRP measure student and teacher outcomes and found in most cases, that teacher professional development produced higher student achievement. The NRP concludes that further research is needed in this area to examine specific variables and programs contributing to change. References Adams, G., Englemann, S. (1996). Research on direct instruction: 25years beyond DISTAR. Seattle, WA: Educational Achievement Systems Allington, R. (1994). 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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Reaction To “Marrying Medicine“

In preparing for this assignment, I found myself interested in all of the four essays. This may seem trivial, or even predictable, if it weren’t for the fact that I honestly can’t remember the last time a read something that wasn’t directly related to passing a medical exam. I was moved by the awkwardness and passion in Tell Me, Tell Me; disturbed by the disclosures in Invasions; and intrigued by the conflict in Case Study: Please Don’t Tell! However, it was Marrying Medicine that really hit closest to home. Obviously the paper addresses an issue that concerns most female physicians and medical students. As the traditional â€Å"caregiver,† I think many of us tend to feel the need to care fully for our patients as well as care for our families. This creates a major source of conflict when time constraints prevent us from doing both. Furthermore, a legal obligation to provide care for the patients often tips the scales away from the people we would probably prefer to care for. As someone who is very close to and reliant on my family and very involved in personal relationships, it terrifies me to think my career choice may prevent me from creating the kind of home atmosphere I’m accustom to. Reading the essay again, I found another issue that was not quite as apparent, but that echoes a sentiment I’ve often felt. On one hand, Dr. Bannerjee knows what a competent, caring physician she is, and how she is desirable enough to have turned down many suitors. On the other hand, she has serious doubts about why her husband is with her. It’s almost as if she has two distinct personalities: one that is secure, confident, and in control and another that is insecure, doubtful, and fearful. While she is obviously more intelligent and attractive than most women, she still grapples with the insecurities that plague the rest of her gender. On top of it, she has to deal with another duality of her personality: her ambitious, h... Free Essays on Reaction To â€Å"Marrying Medicineâ€Å" Free Essays on Reaction To â€Å"Marrying Medicineâ€Å" In preparing for this assignment, I found myself interested in all of the four essays. This may seem trivial, or even predictable, if it weren’t for the fact that I honestly can’t remember the last time a read something that wasn’t directly related to passing a medical exam. I was moved by the awkwardness and passion in Tell Me, Tell Me; disturbed by the disclosures in Invasions; and intrigued by the conflict in Case Study: Please Don’t Tell! However, it was Marrying Medicine that really hit closest to home. Obviously the paper addresses an issue that concerns most female physicians and medical students. As the traditional â€Å"caregiver,† I think many of us tend to feel the need to care fully for our patients as well as care for our families. This creates a major source of conflict when time constraints prevent us from doing both. Furthermore, a legal obligation to provide care for the patients often tips the scales away from the people we would probably prefer to care for. As someone who is very close to and reliant on my family and very involved in personal relationships, it terrifies me to think my career choice may prevent me from creating the kind of home atmosphere I’m accustom to. Reading the essay again, I found another issue that was not quite as apparent, but that echoes a sentiment I’ve often felt. On one hand, Dr. Bannerjee knows what a competent, caring physician she is, and how she is desirable enough to have turned down many suitors. On the other hand, she has serious doubts about why her husband is with her. It’s almost as if she has two distinct personalities: one that is secure, confident, and in control and another that is insecure, doubtful, and fearful. While she is obviously more intelligent and attractive than most women, she still grapples with the insecurities that plague the rest of her gender. On top of it, she has to deal with another duality of her personality: her ambitious, h...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Thirteen Days Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Thirteen Days - Movie Review Example The pressures mounted on him to authorize 'the only option' to execute air strike which could possibly lead to more catastrophes. And yet, despite more pressures the Kennedy administration was facing, he remained calm with absolute willingness to maintain world peace by not engaging in a war that could possibly lead to another world war. John F. Kennedy is the man with deep sense of duty and responsibility. This experience was crucial for America, there was a threat that was about to happen after thirteen days and yet, he had to decide what could bring more benefit to all. Of course, air strike would not be the best option for another war is at stake. It is not easy for Kennedy, as played by Bruce Greenwoods, to do decision or strategy to pressure Soviet Union to pull out their military build up because, that would lead to world war III. The film presented America's readiness for possible war; they were equipped with military weapons, and their personnel were dedicated and well-trained. And yet, despite these, Kennedy was very careful not to fire a single weapon to avoid larger war. These were shown in many instances which only proved that Kennedy respected the human rights and the law. President John F. Kennedy exemplified the character of a wise man mentioned in the book of Proverbs in the Bible - a virtuous man. Amid the pressures from his top military leaders demanding air strikes and the consistent reports of the progress of Soviet military presence threatening the world with their nuclear prowess, John F. Kennedy stood firm not to engage in aggression but exploit all possible democratic options that may lead to settlement of the situation. While top military officers saw air strikes as the only solution, he empowered his own men for back door negotiations for the sake of much greater benefits, despite of stubborn impression he is seemingly showing his military officers. The film also presents different virtues of Kennedy's men; there were those who sympathized with his idea that pursued his step-by-step instruction. While others saw only one solution, some were still heed to what the President stood for. These men stood beside the president. It is a good film which shows that America during that period resisted offensive war against another country; the success that they had seen was when the Soviet Union pull out their military weapon from Cuba. From this stand point, we can say that Kennedy and his other men including Kenneth P. O'Donnell (as played by Kevin Costner), his brother Bobby (played by Steven Culp), and other cabinet members such as the National Defense Secretary, the Ambassador for the United Nations, and others, were on in terms of maintaining world peace. They have what we call the duty triangle which are needed by anybody especially those who are in high positions when making tough decisions. Specifically the President of the United States presented the three sides of the character such as virtue, principles and consequence. He is an example of a leader who believes in the duty triangle that made him took a careful step that benefited everyone; this could be one of the possible reasons why cold war between these two world great power ended not causing any harm in the world. John F. Kennedy is a virtuous man as opposed to the propaganda of the Soviet that he was weak. He possesses good moral

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International Trade & Institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Trade & Institutions - Essay Example Whether or not free trade is fair is a concept that demands a great deal of attention and concentration, and especially by the people who are directly involved under such aegis. The question that arises here is that whether or not free trade assists in the developing countries or it just brings about success touch points for the world’s biggest superpowers (Johnson, 2009). Free trade theory was devised by several economists for the sake of economic growth. Proponents of free trade regularly cite the theories of eighteenth century Scottish economist Adam Smith and David Ricardo, a nineteenth century British economist. They argued that if government stays out of trade, then wealth created by private businesses and trade will benefit the public at large. The gentlemen also asserted that countries need to specialize in the goods that they can produce most efficiently and cheaply. Also when countries trade their specialties, nearly all the stakeholders receive the benefits undoubte dly (Condon, 2002). Free trade theory claims that economic competition with minimal government intervention will lead to greater efficiency, productivity, and innovation; will reduce costs for consumers; and will free up more capital for further investment. First of all, the role of free trade is removal of trade barriers such as tariffs which should promote economic growth, foster a cooperative spirit among nations, help developing nations into becoming independent economies, and end poverty around the world. Free trade benefits developing countries because it provides economic opportunities, improves working conditions, and advances their technology, becoming more globally conscious. As far as the undertakings of the developing countries are concerned, free trade provides them different opportunities for economic growth. If free trade becomes a universally acceptable economic system, provisionally wealthy countries and developing countries both gain a number of benefits to grow th e worldwide economy. Quite rightly so, trade is the greatest factor that leads to economic growth across all segments within the society that one can speak of. When trade occurs as a result of true demand and supply, the economic growth that occurs also truly reflects the increase in economic welfare. Thus, free trade brings about increased economic growth, which means better and more jobs; advanced standards of living and so on. Free trade is not only beneficial for wealthy countries, but also developing ones. The growth is the solution to world poverty. Additionally, free trade improves working conditions for workers in the developing nations. Free trade can help global workers who are working under torrid conditions. In a hypothetical situation, if a person came up with an explanation that free trade was bad as the workers are laboring under life-threatening conditions to produce the goods that normal people buy, then there could be a number of reasons to suggest in the wake of s uch a discussion. Perhaps the consumer habits need to be changed or something that is totally new and comprehensive in its own right. Even though people realize a large number of workers are laboring under bad conditions, everybody wants to buy cheaper priced goods. I think it is essentially one unchangeable habit on the part of the global consumers. And there are a number of reas